FAQ Fragen und Antworten zum Tandemsprung und Fallschirmspringen
FAQ’s – Fragen + Antworten zum Fallschirm-Tandemspringen Wie kann ich einen Tandemsprung Gutschein kaufen? Unter Produkte / Gutscheine findest Du alles, was tandempaar.de zum Verkauf
Tandem Skydiving jump Fromberg Lower Austria: Every year again…
A small, idyllic place with 120 inhabitants in deepest Lower Austria. All around there are hectares of meadows and fields. Both locals and tourists enjoy the peace and the Austrian flair. But once a year in the small, otherwise inconspicuous village of Fromberg, the earth shakes and the air burns! Because every year in the first week of July, one of the largest and most popular skydiving event in Austria takes place here!
Welcome to your tandem jumping action experience in Fromberg near Kirchberg am Walde! Experience for yourself what it’s like to rush towards the earth in free fall at 200 km/h and feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins when your tandem master opens the parachute and you now enjoy the peaceful ride.
Franziska, the only female tandem instructor far and wide, and her professional team of experienced tandem pilots are waiting for you and your friends. Here we make your dreams come true. And before you know it, we’ll climb into the legendary Pink Skyvan together and take you to an altitude of 4300 m.
Once there, we will jump out of the large rear ramp while standing firmly connected to you. And all that straight into 60 seconds of freefall. An incredible sight awaits you here, because you can now see the beautiful Waldviertel in Lower Austria from a new perspective during the „Tandem Jump Fromberg“. And you can’t find it like this anywhere else! In addition, the wind blows into your face at 200 km/h – indescribable!
In addition, the five to eight minute ride on an open parachute is an experience! See for yourself how the large parachutist camp stretches out below you. In the middle of the beautiful nature of the Waldviertel near Kirchberg am Walde in Lower Austria during your tandem skydive!
Summer, sun, skydiving. Every July, skydivers from near and far travel, sometimes very long distances, to take part in the big skydiver event in Lower Austria. Both meadows and fields are transformed into a huge camp for a week. Furthermore, physical well-being is well taken care of in the large hall and there are hundreds of skydivers and guests at this event for tandem skydiving.
Almost perfect for a family trip, combined with adrenaline from your tandem skydive! It’s a stunning sight every time the big plane takes off and twenty minutes later the sky is decorated with parachutes of all colors. We at Tandem Couple are always happy to attend this event every year and say goodbye to happy tandem jump guests. Or to welcome new ones – our many repeat visitors!
Give the gift of action, adrenaline and pure joy of life with a voucher for tandem skydive. We will take you into the air at 4300 m in Fromberg near Kirchberg am Walde. Furthermore, it is no problem for Franziska and her large team if there are several of you. Because our experienced tandem pilots enable you, four or five people, to do your parachute jump from the large Pink Skyvan in beautiful Lower Austria.
Every year at the beginning of July we are at the big parachuting event for you and fulfill your wish of free falling. Same during the week. Because of course we are also there for you.
Why hesitate? Get your ticket for tandem skydiving / tandem jump Fromberg in Lower Austria now! And be there in July every year when it’s time to “fall out of the clouds” again!
Slight differences in the Fromberg tandem skydive in the Waldviertel of Lower Austria are small but exist. In general, the costs for skydiving in Fromberg vary by +/- €5.00 depending on the provider.
An absolute rarity is the fact that you can do the tandem jump in Fromberg / Lower Austria with a female tandem pilot. As the only female „tandem master“ far and wide, many customers are very happy to accept this option for very different reasons.
FAQ’s – Fragen + Antworten zum Fallschirm-Tandemspringen Wie kann ich einen Tandemsprung Gutschein kaufen? Unter Produkte / Gutscheine findest Du alles, was tandempaar.de zum Verkauf
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